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I was slow to get on the Palin-bashing bandwagon, maybe because I was too disconnected to realize how many people were on the Palin-liking bandwagon--so the hate just seemed hateful rather than like a necessary counterattack.

Tonight's debate didn't make me feel any more or less disturbed by her, but I did spend some time thinking about how she's more of a mascot than a candidate. She's sort of wearing a big foam head in the shape of folksiness and mom-ness, and I was going to say that no party would ever trot out a male candidate like that, except George W. is mostly a big foam cowboy head.

I don't have a lot more to say about this. I'm not even bitter that America loves Disneyland and all its foam characters because I think they'll love Obama more. And no one can afford to go to Disneyland these days anyway.


And what is more, our people are getting tired of losing so $$$ and hearing/reading that we are in deep debts.

I don't even watch the political shows because I don't have any thing more to say, either... Also, the matter is who should we trust????
Sizzle said…
I loved this line: "except George W. is mostly a big foam cowboy head"


She is like a mascot. I agree. And no, they would never use a guy like that.
Peter Varvel said…
Tragic Queendom.
Why do you think they call it the "happiest" place on earth?
Not that I'm a bitter former Cast Member or anything, not as much as I used to be . . .
Tracy Lynn said…
I think that this might possibly be the best analysis of Sarah Palin I have ever read.
Jesi said…
when i first saw palin i immediately hated her, i just wanted to punch her lights out, just by looking at her, i don't even have to hear her speak. she scares me. her eyes, she looks like a cult leader, esp. this one:

and she reminds me of those annoying cheerleaders from high school. so basically she's a cheer leading cult leader. scary, very scary!
Cheryl said…
L: I kind of trust Obama. That's naive, maybe, but on a gut level I do. And the liberal media elite. I trust them too.

S: The scary part is that she's a successful mascot. I know of a couple of hardcore democrats from the Midwest and non-continental states who are like, "I hate her politics, but she sure is charming." Really? Guess so.

PV: I also trust people who've done time inside a mouse head. Or Aladdin pants. Y'all know better than anyone.

TL: Thanks, just call name of real news analyst here.

J: I do think Palin would rock a purple shroud and Nikes.
the last noel said…
One thing I like about Palin becoming VP is this: I don't need all of the credentials to be a leading political figure in this country. I knew I can get away with in California (as Ahnold as Governator). But in the whole nation--wow America is grand!
Misty Harris said…
I agree with the commenter who said that was the best Sarah Palin analysis yet. Very well stated. To keep with the Disney analogy, I think I would find her story and her "character" endearing if only it were part of a fictional movie designed to inspire little Alaskan girls to reach for something beyond the wolf-hunting shotgun. But as a real-life character, I find Palin's folksiness more than a little irksome. "Can I call ya Joe?" Bleh.
Don Cummings said…
I like this foam headed mascot idea.
It's exactly right. One wonders...but how can Obama not win? Even the polling MATH is with us this time.
Cheryl said…
N: As Amy Poehler-as-Hillary Clinton said, she's proof that anyone can be president...aaan-eee-one.

MH: I was talking to a Canadian friend this weekend (because, like Sarah Palin, I have many diverse friends), and she confirmed that if someone like SP tried to run in Canada, she'd be laughed right off the ticket. Does this mean I'm not a patriotic maverick?

DC: Right now I want him to win if for no other reason than to prove that crazy strategies like "running a smart candidate who has good ideas" can work.

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