the movie i can't wait to not see
Last night on the way home I listened to Terry Gross interview the people behind The Cove , a movie that could easily kill me. That’s probably a poor choice of hyperbole given that the movie is about actual killing, specifically of dolphins : They’re herded into a cove in a small Japanese village by fisherman banging metal rods underwater (which is basically the equivalent of firing a gun next to your ear if you have sonar). Once the dolphins are trapped, the pretty ones are recruited as swim-with-dolphins amusement-park whores, and the ugly ones are slaughtered and sold as meat. Which is poisonous, incidentally, because their bodies are so full of mercury. Leave it to humans to figure out how to kill an animal twice. Should I go on? Okay, I’ll stop there. “I think maybe I shouldn’t see that movie,” I said to AK at dinner (a reprise of Saturday’s mac and cheese , which turned out quite nicely, thank you). “Or maybe that’s exactly why I should see that movie.” “You cannot see that movi...