i’m a lemur: heeeey!
I was going to post about how I found RZA’s theory (outlined in his Onion AV Club interview) about the lack of a gay gene really lame—how even though I don’t think the point is whether homosexuality is genetically caused or not, his theories are one part Freudian bullshit and one part biblical bullshit—but then I realized that, to be fair, I should read the whole interview.
Which I didn’t feel like doing.
So instead I direct you to this far finer piece from The Onion’s news desk: Report: 65% Of All Wildlife Now Used As Homosexual Subculture Signifier
Which I didn’t feel like doing.
So instead I direct you to this far finer piece from The Onion’s news desk: Report: 65% Of All Wildlife Now Used As Homosexual Subculture Signifier
As for a gay gene, I think it's probably not so simple as 1 gene to be flipped on or off. It may be a combination of genetic factors that align to make people gay, bi, hetero, trans.
I get why it's important to some people to deem gayness genetic; it does make a compelling arguing strategy for equal rights that takes religion out of it. However, I think it kind of misses the mark. The whys of a person's sexual orientation/gender identity shouldn't matter.
If only people didn't need so much convincing...
But let's not pretend Señor RZA is all reasonable about his gay cousin: "I don’t want to say he was born like that, because he didn’t show these traits as a baby, but now he’s growing up and growing into it." Uh, what? You know straight boy babies--all their whoring around with the ladies.
That interview reads like he was kidding, or playing a Wu Tang character. Was anyone named Pootie involved?
CCY: I also like his theory that his cousin lusts after men because his mom was longing for a man while she was pregnant. Very 19th century-chic. Very "the Elephant Man's mother was frightened by an elephant." Maybe I like '70s clothes so much because my mom wore them while she was pregnant, in the '70s.
TL: You can't beat a good stripey tail (just ask two thirds of Team Gato).
PV: You are sleek and playful.