i’ll give you something to smile about

“I don’t have dimples,” she said.
“Sure you do—right here.” He screwed his fingers into the corners of his mouth. Later, when a plate of cookies was making its way around the room, he passed it to her and said, “Here ya go, Dimples.”
Today at lunch I was walking back from Hallmark, where I’d found myself looking at a card featuring a nativity scene and thinking, God, there’s another person who got pregnant without even trying. On the sidewalk, a greasy-looking guy in his thirties called out, “Smile! It’s a sunny day!”
“Fuck you,” I said.
Translation: 1) No one would ever tell a guy to smile. When guys brood, it’s considered sexy. 2) You don’t know me, asshole. Maybe my grandmother just died. Or maybe I was bummed that the bread in my sandwich was a little dried out. Either way, not your business. I feel sorry that I can’t deliver Cheery Holiday Greetings Cheryl to AK on a regular basis, but I’m pretty sure I haven’t incurred any emotional debts with you, greasy dude.
I’m mildly worried that Cheery Holiday Greetings Cheryl has been abducted by pod people, and Eff You Cheryl has been left in her place. It’s troubling to not feel like yourself. But actually, half a block later, I found myself smiling really big.
I love you, Multiple Personality Cheryl.
I hate it when-I was going to say "people" but it is only men- I hate it when men tell me to smile and I hate myself when I reflexively do. Argh. No good from that.
Not sure I can pull off the Eff You Claire, but I like having it as an option. Perhaps the existent, Yes-I'm-flipping-you-off-while-driving Claire can work her way up to it.
C: I have great faith in the potential of Eff You Claire.
women are amazing because of all the crap that they put up with. i don't think men could handle it.
from now on i'm going to flip off anyone who tells me to smile or says something to me, etc.
i'm so over it!
anyways, the first sentence is supposed to say, that i wanted to blog about comments from strangers, which i get practically everyday.
there now i feel better.