things i have smelled to prove to myself i don't have covid (knockonwood)
Redwood trees
Chipotle bean dip
Soap and water on my son's skin
My own unshowered skin
A veggie hot dog with onions
Canola oil blistering in the pan
Sheets, peed upon by aforementioned son
A billow of kid-fart
Mown grass
A flurry of leaves, startled by a blower
Exhaust, the start of someone's commute
Bacon wafting from a Craftsman
Unidentifiable flowers, the way perfume
is supposed to smell and never does
Pasta water
Shea butter shampoo, the good stuff
I'd never buy myself
My cat's fur
when he comes home each night,
having dodged cars and coyotes,
having befriended new neighbors,
his return as reassuring as the moon