6/6/06: the end of the world is nigh
Not for the obvious reason, though. The end of the world is nigh because said world is full of people like me. Today I did not vote in the Californ ia election. I moved a few months ago and never received a sample ballot and hence was not sure if I was supposed to go to my old polling place or a new one…but really, I’m sure I could have figured it out with a phone call or two. But no, that was just too much legwork for democracy.
What was apparently not too much legwork was logging onto http://www.mystarbucksvisit.com/, where I answered 15 or 20 questions about how long I waited for my green tea latte in exchange for a code number that will get me a free beverage of my choice upon my next Starbucks visit.
On one hand, I hate myself. On the other, maybe Starbucks is onto something. More people might vote if there were a frappuccino in it for them.
who cares if its illegal, its FREE DELICIOUS COFFEE!!We should all get a reward for voting.