the good news is i’m the “perfect editor”

This is me.

This is me reading at UC Riverside earlier today. This is the flyer that was posted on campus to promote the reading. I’ve Googled my name enough times to know that this Cheryl Klein is a children’s book editor. I’ve always wanted to email her and say, “So, we’re both named Cheryl Klein and we both do stuff with books. Crazy, huh? Want to hook me up with a publishing deal or something?” This may be my in.


Anonymous said…
okay, that's hilarious! i mean... you kind of look like... maybe the glasses? if her hair were dark-...?
Cheryl said…
I've also come across Cheryl Kleins who are marathon runners, realtors and who are tracking their weight loss online. If I decide to run 26 miles, sell a house or lose a bunch of weight (all unlikely), Bread and Bread readers will be the first to know, I promise.
the last noel said…
OMG! This is too precious! I hope you keep the flyer. LOL. Were you also an Angel--oh, that's Cheryl Ladd.
Cheryl said…
It's earned a place of honor on my fridge.
Cheryl said…
I'm sorry there was a mix-up, but that's pretty funny! Yeah, I've always wanted to e-mail you too to say "So. Cheryl Klein, check. Tall with glasses, check. Reader/writer/editor, check." Apparently we're also feminists who go to church and like movies and musicals. We should contact that ReMax agent in Georgia and see if she wants to join the club. . . .

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