someone cooler than me vs. the audience
Is this what goes through writers’ heads at readings? It’s what goes through Tao Lin’s head, and while I usually feel a little more, uh, organic about the whole process, I have (as both a writer and an audience member) noticed a tension between questions and answers. The desire to ask the perfect question. The desire to give the least predictable answer. Both sides wanting alte
Just reading the article, I felt envious of how creative and observant and postmode
I understand the desire to ask a cool, thought-provoking question, but I think I'm usually hoping for a straightforward answer.
Really? That seems like the last thing a jerk would care about.
I get being nervous in front of crowds, but he seems to take it to an aggressive place I don't care for whether it's throwing CDs at people or his preoccupation with "defeating" audience members.
Perhaps I haven't been to enough readings for a construct exposure to feel relevant or useful to me.