in no particular order

1. The stomach flu
2. A Very Special Episode of Home Improvement I saw at the gym in which Jill discovers she has a fibroid tumor and has to get a hysterectomy
3. Death and the OCD brain that makes me think about it when I watch sitcoms sometimes
4. The fact that I’m almost done (maybe) with novel #3 and am not sure what to do with it
5. The same things that are bumming Noel out
6. The economy, even though I don’t own a home or have any real investments
7. Learning on NPR that cows are bred to be dumb when we could have smart cows, because who wouldn’t rather have smart cows (although not so smart they’d turn against us)?
Things that are making me happy:
1. The idea of writing a novel about a traveling circus
2. Strong tea
3. Going to Whole Foods in spite of #6 above because it is so shiny and it makes you feel like you are doing something good for the world just by buying carob-and-chicory coffee substitute
4. The idea of not spending the holidays moving this year
5. Small children and how they are the opposite of #3 above, which is I guess why everyone likes them so much—that, and they are cute
6. January 20, 2009
7. Jenny’s pictures of smiling goats*
8. The fact that I’m ultimately too impatient to be anything but an optimist
*Jenny, I stole one of your goat pictures for this post. Please do not sue me.
And I rally mean it and would have said the exact same thing even if I HADN'T recently taken goofballs. Although that way would have probably been funnier.
S: I LOVED Geek Love, so I'll have to put Water for Elephants on my GoodReads to-read list.
Watch Prop 8- the Musical. I've got an embedded link to it on my site. It made me happy today.
Also all the words or wordlike word verifications I'm getting lately. Just now: atingi. As in, I'm all atingi for the holidays. :)
You should watch this, too - it makes me very happy: baby goat.
J: Thank you! AK and I watched the baby goat video, the baby goat sequel AND the baby-goat-all-grown-up video. And then a random video of a goat and a large bunny playing together. Irresistible.
Sometimes I have to remind myself to just let the bad things suck as hard as they do, for as long as they have to.
And brava, you, for remembering to acknowledge your silver linings!
PV: Also, suckiness = good writing material.