slow food life

Instead of New Year’s resolutions, Jenny over at Run Jen Run always comes up with themes or role models for the year. This year she’s channeling Patti Smith. Since I’m still working on fulfilling my 2009 resolutions (sorry, dusty bike, I’ll let you out of the garage soon), I decided it was best not to be too action-oriented regarding my 32nd year.

This may not be the catchiest theme, but I think I’m going with Slow Food Life. Here’s what I’ve learned from the slow food movement (of which I’m not actually a part, having just consumed a bagel with Trader Joe’s hummus and 7-Eleven coffee), which I think can be extrapolated to the rest of my life:
  • Fast and productive are not necessarily better.
  • Organic is good.
  • Doing it yourself is good.
  • Quality is more important than quantity.
  • Your neighborhood and your loved ones are wonderful resources.
  • Sometimes recipes go wrong and you have to throw out a bunch of tomatoes and start over.
I’ll stop before I get too self-helpy. This weekend AK and I are taking a day trip to Santa Barbara to go wine-tasting with Meehan, which I think will be very much in keeping with my vision. What could be more life-loving (and, okay, a little bougie) than drinking organic wine with friends? And tonight AK and I are taking the “Healthy, Fresh and Zingy 4” class at Hipcooks, so we may do some actual slow-fooding.

Also, I’ve done an excellent job of procrastinating so far this week, which I’m choosing to view as evidence that I’m making good, intuitive decisions, not over-booking and being irresponsible.

Sorry, towel rack. I’ll put you up soon.


Claire said…
So I was reading your post, focusing on the text rather than the photo and my brain assumed those peripheral shapes were easter egg candies. Very not slow food of me. sigh.
Cheryl said…
Mmm...Easter egg candy....

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