sans angel wings

Well, I know for a fact that some of you live in LA. Hear that? I know where you live.
No, wait, I was going to do something much cuter than make empty threats to promote my readings. If I were like Alanna or Michelle Tea, I’d bake for you. If I were Francesca Lia Block, I’d wear angel wings as I read. If I were anyone at CalArts, I’d incorporate some kind of multi-media, audience-participation element that would make you feel vaguely uncomfortable.
So maybe it’s not such a bad thing that I am just going to be a simple girl reading a simple (yet totally complex!) book. I did buy a new pair of earrings for the occasion. Here are two places you can catch me, The Commuters and the earrings:
Skylight Books1818 N. Vermont Ave., LA, CA 90027
Thursday, May 25, 7:30 p.m.
Rhapsodomancy at Good Luck Bar
1514 Hillhurst Ave., LA, CA 90027
Sunday, June 4, 7 p.m.
(Reading with Eileen Myles, Christopher Russell, and Ariel Robello.)
Your book looks really BIG in this picture.
Claire: Do you know Lucy, the Skylight tail-less cat?
Jenny: I am a Very Serious Writer Of Smut. Actually, the next book is smuttier, although this one does contain a threesome. But it's a quiet, awkward, symbolic threesome, because in reality I am a Very Quiet, Awkward Writer Of Symbolic Stuff.