did you ever know…? hopefully you did not

When that particular song started, AK’s coworker Jess said, “That’s my favorite song. We need to leave immediately.” Because the P.A. system was so loud that it drowned out all sarcasm and nuance, AK’s other coworker thought she was serious about being a Bette Midler fan and said, “I’ll stay five more minutes, and then we should go.”
But I have to admit…I kind of do like “Wind Beneath My Wings.” It’s not subtle, but it’s pretty, and it doesn’t seem fair that it has been voted Official Representative of Cultural Cheese, when there are so many more worthy candidates.
Which leads me to my informal poll: What are your pop culture guilty pleasures? What music/movies/TV shows/books/musicals/etc. would you never, ever list on your MySpace page for fear that no one would date you?
And they have to be genuinely loathed by a majority of respectable people, and genuinely loved by you. If you love it ironically, or if any hipster PhD student has written a dissertation on it, it’s out of the running, because you know you would and probably do list it on your MySpace page. Basically, you may not list America’s Next Top Model.
But Hair? Kelly Clarkson’s “Break Away”? Those Lisa Frank Trapper Keepers with the airbrushed pictures of rainbows and puppies? (Ahem, just providing a few hypothetical examples here.) All legit.