calling all women with a 10" bust

I took a bunch of pictures, which quickly became historical artifacts. Girl figured out how to get her sweater off about 20 minutes after getting home from the vet last week.
Yesterday mo
“You could try to find a tighter T-shirt for her,” he said, looking me over. “You’re pretty big, but maybe if one of your girlfriends has one of those itty-bitty baby tees….”
I’m still not sure if he was calling me fat or telling me I had big tits, but either way, I can see why he works with animals rather than people. And I know men are notoriously confused by women’s clothing sizes, but I think it’s safe to say that even my skinniest, most flat-chested friends do not own T-shirts that would be tight on my cat.
so glad to hear it was benign!
And this totally made me laugh:
"I’m still not sure if he was calling me fat or telling me I had big tits..."
podo wouldn't let me come anywhere near her w/ this. :)