pink ribbon times six

For those of you kindly tuned into the T-Mec saga, I just got an update from the vet, the super nice, energetic, seemingly 17-year-old Dr. Wong: Mec’s X-rays came back clear (though it’s possible she could still have tiny bits of undetectable cancer floating around in there, but hey, so could any of us).

She’s still having surgery to remove the lump we knew about as well as what Dr. Wong calls “the full mammary line.” I.e., all six boobies. Luckily, when you’re covered in fur, you don’t need to worry about how you look in a bikini.

Thanks for all your nice comments, Bread and Bread peeps. T-Mec couldn’t have more cyber-support if she had a Catster page.


Claire said…
That's good news. I hope the surgery goes well!
Anonymous said…
she's getting all six boobies removed? aww, 'lil T-Mec! so sorry to hear that - i hope everything goes well with the surgery and that she is being spoiled rotten with cat treats very soon!

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