want to know what's in becca's backpack?
He was a she back then, or as she as he ever was, androgynous in a gray hooded raincoat and baggy black jeans.
This is a sentence from chapter five, draft two of the novel I’m currently working on. Who knows if it will live to see draft three—the sentence, that is. The itself novel better survive. Here’s another sentence, from chapter 10:
Becca unzipped the biggest section of her backpack and removed what appeared to be a messily rolled-up beach towel. But then I smelled it.
If you want to hear more sentences like this, come see me and my writing group-mates read May 1 at Skylight Books. It will be the debut of my new project and the finale of my time with the Writers at Work gang.
If you are into writing sentences of your own and do so regularly on some type of blog-type device, please consider participating in the aforementioned Ca
One Page At a Time Reading
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
7:30 p.m.
Skylight Books
1818 North
This event is free.
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