what happens at espresso vivace...

Even though I’d been to Seattle twice before, this was the first time I really got the whole coffee thing. I’ve been a coffee drinker ever since I discovered the open mic at the Hungry Mind in high school, but I’ve always drunk it for A) the caffeine and B) the sugar.

But since cutting out sweets (except for that muffin last week, those elephant-shaped graham cookies on Saturday and all those sweetened dried cranberries yesterday), I’ve been forced to become a plain latte girl. (Black coffee? What’s that?) And over the course of four days in the greater Seattle area, I drank so many amazingly good ones—strong but not bitter, frequently featuring a little leaf drawn in the foam (shout-outs to Espresso Vivace, Black Water Café and the Blackbird Bakery)—that I may never be able to return to Starbucks.

But Starbucks must have sensed that my loyalty was waning, because I arrived home to a gift (a mix CD of all its favorite new indie bands) accompanied by a passionate if embarrassing love letter:

Surprise—and thank you!

You’re truly one of our most loyal customers, and we just wanted to make sure you knew how much we appreciate your passion and support for Starbucks….

You’ve been in our stores, so you know all about the great music we have there. Along with our collection of unique DVDs and books, it’s all handpicked to be the best we can find….

We’ll see you soon.

Your friends at Starbucks

I think we all know that I’ll go running back.

More Seattle stories and pictures soon.


You see, that's how they get you into their cult, just like that movie, FREAKS. "One of us, one of us, gooble gobble, gooble gobble, one of us."

Cheryl said…
Man, out of the sugar cult and into the Starbucks cult....

Interestingly, my friend's ex-boyfriend's ex-band is named Sugarcult. Coincidence? Probably not.
Anonymous said…
I miss me some Vivace. :(
That truly is damn good coffee. It is art and it's a tasty beverage.
Cheryl said…
So if I am what I eat...I am art. Cool.
Tracy Lynn said…
Dude, you were in Seattle? And you didn't call? *weeps
Cheryl said…
While I was there, I totally thought, "I'm in Tracy's new stomping ground!"--and then I thought about how I should have emailed you to plan a meet-up before I left. Next time, I swear. (Or you'll just have to come to L.A.!)

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