the outsiders

And I, like Jackie, have woken up with this thought:
Why do I know the name Kim Kardashian? I woke up in the middle of the night and it took me a few minutes before I realized that she was in a sex tape and is now on a reality show. But really, so what? She is just taking up the space in my brain that good, honest celebrities like Gabreille Carteris should hold.
And as a former Zap employee myself, I hear you about those annoying reposting of Variety/Hollywood Reporter stories. I still have nightmares about being assigned to write the casting news briefs from the trades. But aren't you glad you're not there anymore, like I am?
Just think, instead of it being "Sabrina" cast members we'd be forced to fawn over (because really, it seemed WB and UPN actors were the only ones we seemed to get any contact with) now it really would be the Kim Kasdashians or the Paris Hiltons of the biz.
But while I don't have a ton of pride in my various WB/UPN interviews, I did have fun working there. And the fake 90210 reunion newsletter I got to write made all the drudge work worthwhile.
Sure there were a lot of drudge work to do but I loved working with every single person there. It was the people working there, like you and Mary among others, that made the job worthwhile and fun to do.