these boots were made for blogging (about)

It’s been kind of a rough week. But today the overpriced-but-discounted boots I ordered from Zappos arrived. It’s a little scary how much I can love an inanimate object. Or, I guess, two inanimate objects.

Four if you count the perfect brown boots I bought last weekend during my quest for the perfect black boots. Now I look at my shoes from so many different angels while walking around that you’d think I was checking for dog doody.

I think Rachel said it best on the first episode of Friends, when she had yet to enter spoiled-rich-girl recovery: “They’re my new ‘I don’t need a job, I don’t need my parents, I've got great boots’ boots!”

Although, since I bought them with Christmas money from my dad, I guess I do need my parents.


me want. me want NOW. unga bunga.
Cheryl said…
Zappos is crack, pure and simple.
Thanks a lot! This made me drools over the shoes. I wanna more, too. Unfortunately, I'm saving $$ for the Disney Cruise trip this July. However,I will catch my fashion up after we return from the trip.

In meantime, enjoy being in a vain.
Cheryl said…
If you're going on a cruise, I don't feel too bad for you. :-)
Jesi said…
i never used to have a big love of shoes, they were always ok, but now, oh crap my love is bigger than the empire building. not only do i love shoes, i love the weird ugly ones even more. i do not know what is wrong with me. i so want to buy some shoes right now!

my weird ugly shoe fetish, check these out:,-product.startDate&navCount=102&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=W_SHOES_ALLSHOES&popId=WOMENS_SHOES&prepushId=

i already own these, in fuschia of course:,-product.startDate&navCount=102&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=W_SHOES_ALLSHOES&popId=WOMENS_SHOES&prepushId=,-product.startDate&navCount=30&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=W_SHOES_ALLSHOES&popId=WOMENS_SHOES&prepushId=

and the ugliest goes to:,-product.startDate&navCount=30&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=W_SHOES_ALLSHOES&popId=WOMENS_SHOES&prepushId=
Cheryl said…
I was with you right up till the zip bootie. Then I had to part ways. :-) But loving ugly shoes is great because 'cuz those are the ones that go on sale!
Nancy Cary said…
I vamoosed to Spain for two weeks recently and in Barcelona after a few days walking, walking, walking--mostly in the rain, rain, and more rain--it dawned on me how hip everyone but me looked in their boots with the side buckles (like Cheryl's !) I stopped looking up from the cobblestone streets to see the earlier conquerers' Catholic cathedrals, Roman arches, etc, and found myself envying boots and wondering if I'd be comfortable in a pair after 6 hours of meandering. Answer: Yes!
I thought'd get brown but bought a pair in black, one side buckle at top. Wedge soles, too. Boots of Spanish leather--didn't Bob Dylan or Joan Baez sing it?

I'm trying to do less meat, but I did succumb to still wearing animal skin.

Now I wish it would rain...hey, they look good walking around in the house in nearly nothing...
Peter Varvel said…
Omg, I would TOTALLY wear those as a guy, and with complete pride.
I'm afraid that I am not destined to become rich because I would be too tempted to morph into the Male Imelda Shoe Whore.
Cheryl said…
N: Scoping out other cultures' footwear is one of the joys of traveling.

I hemmed and hawed over whether to leather too, but decided that putting one long-lasting pair of boots in a landfill five or ten years from now is probably better than filling up a landfill with synthetics. (Though I'm quite possibly just rationalizing the lovely feel of leather.)

PV: You'd look fabulous in them! Probably more fab than me, so we'll have to make sure not to wear them on the same day.

My Imelda tendencies are strong too. It's a slippery slope from treating yourself to some quality footwear to oppressing a nation....
Una said…
Cheryl - I have been on the search for the perfect brown boots for three years and just recently purchased them! They are cowboy boots and not fancy ones with straps on the side. I love them. I might be boot-content for a while.

Zappos is crack.
Cheryl said…
Glad your quest paid off! It sounds like you're way more patient than I am--my quest only lasted a few months, which is as long as I can go without buying shoes.

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