hp in bloom

I know we’re in a state-of-emergency drought. I wouldn’t be surprised if the plants blanketing NELA’s hillsides are aggressive non-native weeds. But damn, Highland Park is gorgeous after a few days of rain.

All the yards on my morning jog that normally have dirt instead of grass (the economical way to practice sustainability) now have grass-like carpets of dewy green sprouts. I don’t know what they are—some salad-ish mixture of grassy stuff and herby stuff and tendril-y stuff. Dirt mounds on construction sites have become frolic-worthy knolls. Our own flower beds, heretofore occupied not by flowers but by stones, succulents and rotten lemons, have gone all Secret Garden on us.

Suddenly it’s not hard to imagine a time after humans, when plants push us and all our stupid problems into the ground with their no-nonsense roots. I’ll miss us, but it will be a lovely takeover.


Anonymous said…
I used to imagine that those parts of the LA River that have trees and bushes growing in them were signs that plants were defeating the cement.

Then I learned that those are just parts of the river that weren't paved on the bottom.

I agree - the plant takeover will be lovely. Hope I'm here to see it.

Cheryl said…
Maybe it's encouraging just to know there's something in L.A. we didn't pave.
Tracy Lynn said…
One of the reasons I am so in love with Seattle is the lushness and greenness of it. After so many years in a place that is brown and grey for much of the year, the Emerald City soothes my soul.

And also, it's warmer. I hate the snow, dude.

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