happy birthday to my favorite honorary irish ladies

It's St. Patrick's Day, which in New York means green-frosted donuts, redheaded babies on the subway and "I [shamrock] New York" T-shirts. Back home, it's the birthday of my grandma (1911-1982) and AK's mom, who decks her halls with more Irish flair than any Mexican woman you're likely to meet. (AK's sister and my dad also have the same birthday. Does this mean we're somehow astrologically connected?)

Here's my grandma, courtesy of my cousin and Facebook historian, Maria. She's a knockout, no?


Claire said…
Absolutely a knockout. Good genes there. :)

And yes, if you're astrologically inclined, it probably does. But if you're more scientific, the odds are 50% that in a group of 23 people, two will have the same birthday. For a group of 57, it jumps to 99%. So, how many people do you know?

Oh yeah, there are many valid reasons behind this-- to establish a connection of a relationship between you and AK! It is just like my husband David and I have many similar background.

For instance:
1. Our fathers worked same police department.
2. Our birthdays numbers are reversed even it is on the same birthday month.
3. His mom remarried whose last name is the same as my maiden name (same as yours.)
and many more...
Your grandma is hot. Seriously.
Peter Varvel said…
I hate to steal a line from 'Titanic' but she was a dish!
(and it looks as though she has passed on a generous portion to you)
Cheryl said…
C: Yeah, I had a math teacher do that same breakdown once. But I like to think math is just another form of astrology.

L: Wow, I never knew Uncle Robin and David's dad worked for the same PD. Did they know each other?

M: I guess that makes her a GMILF?

P: Aw, shucks.
Love her expression and the lighting. I see a lot of her in you or you in her.

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