pet peeve #752

Look, Kajon Cermak, we all know that traffic in LA is chronically bad. And I’m sure that as an NPR traffic reporter, you want to liven up a dull part of drive-time programming. But do you have to be so gleeful in your expressions?

“This one’s a pack-a-snack, folks! You’ll be on the 10 for hours!”

“If you’re northbound on the 405 right now, forget it!”

“There’s a chair in the number two lane of the Foothill Freeway, and it’s tying up traffic so badly that—ugh, I don’t even want to think about it.”

“The 60 East going through downtown is an utter nightmare. We’re talking single-digit speeds.”

This probably says something unpleasant about my personality, but I kind of want Kajon Cermak to lie to me. Or to at least sugarcoat things: “The 405 is a little tight going over the Sepulveda Pass, but things will pick up soon.” Because if I’m stuck in my car, blind optimism is the best I can hope for. Although today I did actually pack a snack, and that helped.


A perfect example of the blog as modern-day pillow book.
Cheryl said…
I bet traffic was a bitch in ancient Japan too.
rho said…
i like kajon. at least she doesn't drone on and on like some of the other traffic people.
chex mix bold makes for a good pack-a-snack.
Anonymous said…
If Kajon was sitting in a car delivering the report, I'd believe she had genuine empathy with me. But I just picture her in her comfy little sound booth, sooo happy she's not one of the minions on the 10.
Unknown said…
Cannot stand listening to Kajon! (a) Why does she need to repeat her name so many times in the span of a few hours on the air; (b) Why is she so annoyingly giddy?; (c) Just give the facts, maam, forget the other irritating banter, ugh..I just scream at the radio and go la la la la very loud...
Sunny said…
Kajon Cermak is a talentless wanna-be. Apparently, she failed as an actress because she sucked. Traffic reporting is where her talents obviously lie...if you call what she does a talent. To quote George Harrison; "I just turn the sound down whenever she comes on and say rude things about her." Sorry KaJON...get real!
Anonymous said…

An "actress", Sunny? Apparently you know Kajon and seem to have an ax to grind. Why so hostile?
Cheryl said…
For the record, I'm only mildly annoyed at Kajon. Traffic is my real enemy.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like Sunny isn't very sunny... sounds more cloudy. Why are you raining on Kajon Cermak' parade?
Chase Langford said…
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