not applicable to all situations

AK was nervous about giving a presentation for a committee of “smart, quick, design-y types” at work today, so I paraphrased the quote in my last post.

“Your inner critic thinks it’s the coolest guy in the room, but it’s a cynic and a savage,” I pep talked.

She paused. “Yeah...that’s not really what I’m afraid of. This guy named Jose is actually the coolest guy in the room.”

So until someone writes a magazine article about dealing with your outer Jose….


Tracy Lynn said…
Ok, I may be straight, but I am now Officially In Love with your girlfriend.
Cheryl said…
I'll let her know that if she ever gets fed up with my annoying pep talks, she has a girl waiting in the wings in Seattle. :-)
Unknown said…
yeah, that guy is pretty cool
Bravo AK for giving a presentation! I too would be nervous- I have a stage frighten if I don't have a note with me, otherwise, I would feel idiot! Here's the example of my previous experience:

You know I had forgotten my wedding vow- because David did not tell me that I was supposed to make my own vow up (strangling him) Thus, I know I was nervous wrecked without a note!

Check my comment out under the Magic thinking :-)
Oops, I left a comment to you on Pet Peeves not Magical Thinking!
Cheryl said…
V: Right?! But AK rocked it anyway, naturally.

L: Oh my god, that is quite the wedding blooper. But I was there, and you guys seemed totally cool and happy, so no one was the wiser.
Unknown said…
i'm sure she did. she's cooler :)
Unknown said…
...and, naturally, i say this knowing how cool jose is
Cheryl said…
Yes, you are the Official Arbiter of Coolness. The job comes with a vest, a badge and a tiara.

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