the good, the bad, the weird and the deep-fried

Since I had to work slightly harder than usual to vote yesterday, (meaning I had to print my sample ballot from the internet rather than just pull it out of my mailbox—god, now I know what Iraqis go through to vote!), I got an extra special little buzz in pasting my “I Voted” sticker to my shirt. I voted at 7:30 a.m., so I had nearly 15 hours to walk around in ignorant bliss, hopeful that America would make good choices.

The good news is that, unlike in the 2000 and 2004 elections, the results did not make me cry. The good news is that Democrats are no longer letting Republicans have the lock on morality rhetoric, and Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency.

The bad news is that I’m having double assassination fantasies (note to blog police: Did I say “double assassination fantasies”? I meant “double simultaneous naturally caused heart attack” fantasies), which doesn’t seem healthy. The bad news is that America still hates fags, except in Arizona, where they’re busy hating undocumented immigrants.

The weird news is that in Arizona there was also a measure (defeated, but still, it made it onto the ballot) to give one million dollars to a randomly selected voter each election. So, let’s see…a million dollars for some dude who fills in his ink-a-ballot in the shape of a smiley face: good. Childcare for the people who do your shit work and make it so you don’t have to pay payroll taxes: bad. And the HRC wants me to congratulate you for letting gay marriage remain plain-old illegal rather than making it super-duper illegal.

Okay, I’m going to shut up before I start singing the Canadian national anthem like the predictable and no doubt under-informed lefty that I am. Maybe I’ll just make some deep-fried treats and send them to the Whitehouse. In a gesture of bipartisan goodwill, of course.


erin said…
i had exactly the same response to the election results! i woke up ecstatic because the lesser of two evils is now in charge of one half of congress (with the potential looming for them to take both the house and the senate). and then i was sad because i had to add 7 new states to my "places i'll never live because they think gay people are icky and/or going to hell" list. the other good news is that minors can still get abortions without notifying their parents in CA, stem cell research can be funded in MO (YAY), and the minimum wage was raised in a few states. oh, but in the bad news column... pot is still illegal in nevada and colorado. really an emotional rollercoaster this time 'round.
Cheryl said…
Man, just when a melancholy Democrat could really use some pot....
ER said…
So I guess we can add Nevada and Colorado to the "places where we'll never live" column, too.
Claire said…
I miss getting the "I voted" sticker. They're too cheap for them here, I guess. Less repubs in office helps make up for it though.
Cheryl said…
Democrats in office--it's like a giant "We Voted" sticker.

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